Mailing Address: PO Box 389, Lexington, KY 40588-0389 Phone: (859) 258-9420 (Leave message after hours) Fax (859) 258-9422 E-mail: For Federal Express and UPS deliveries, send to: 431 South Broadway, Suite 321 Lexington, KY 40508


Owner and Publisher: Keith Cupp





A traditional equine magazine,The Bluegrass Horseman, a division of Saddle Horse, Inc. and founded by Keith Cupp in June, 1972, is published for Five-Gaited, Three-Gaited, American Saddlebred Pleasure, Fine Harness, Roadster Horses and Ponies and Harness and Hackney Ponies. It is published monthly except January (twice monthly May-Oct.) and distributed nationally. Opinions expressed in this publication are those of the writer and not necessarily those of the publisher or staff. The staff of The Bluegrass Horseman reserves the right to refuse any advertising or news copy which is not in keeping with the policies of this publication.


Mission Statement: The mission of The Bluegrass Horseman is to serve the interest of the American Saddlebred, Hackney and Roadster show industry by furnishing news, show results, and reasonable advertising opportunities in both print and web media.


Photos for news articles: We welcome any appropriate pictures submitted for use with news articles as space permits. Pictures should have the subject's name or an identifying caption plainly written on the back or in the text of the email if sending that route. Pictures must be sharp in order to reproduce clearly, preferably 300dpi.


Payment of Accounts: Any questions concerning your account should be addressed to us immediately after the original billing. A 2% Finance Charge will be assessed monthly on the unpaid balance and the Debtor will be responsible for all costs pertaining to the collection of said account, and the account may be subject to a $25 per month late fee. There will be a $20 fee placed on all returned checks.


Change of address: We must be notified of any change of address to insure proper handling of your magazine. Please allow approximately four weeks for this change to become effective. New additions to the mailing list should allow approximately four weeks for receipt of the magazine. Please e-mail us with address changes as soon as available.


Subscribing to Print Edition: The Bluegrass Horseman print edition is available for only $20.00 per year. We have a special rate of $35.00 for a two year subscription. Our out of the U.S. subscriptions are available for $30.00 for one year and $45.00 for two years. For those interested in subscribing, please contact us by phone or e-mail with your request. At this time we do not have an online subscription form.